Textile & Apparels
Testing instruments for textile and apparels are mainly for determination of physical and mechanical performances of the tested samples.
The testing instruments are applied for quality control, research and development and quality inspection for textile industry.
By been designed according to ISO, ASTM, GB/T, AATCC, EN, BS, DIN, JIS and other standards, the testing equipment can be used for determination of fastness, pilling, snagging, abrasion, shrinkage, strength, flammability, comfort and other performance of the textile products.
FiberYarnFastnessPilling & SnaggingAbrasionGradingShrinkageStrengthComfortFlammability

Textile Tensile Tester
Overview Textile tensile tester also called textile tensile testing machine is professional designed to determine static product and material strength properties including tensile, compression, cyclic, shear, flexure, bend, peel, tear and material characteristics such as…

TDM Cut Test Machine
Overview TDM (Tomodynamometer) cut test machine is also called as TDM 100 cut test machine, linear cut resistance tester, it is used to determine the cut resistance of protective gloves by TDM method according to…

Building Material Radiation Test Machine
Overview Building material radiation test machine is professional designed to evaluate the M rating of rigid or flexible materials thickness more than 5mm in order to determine the reaction to fire of building materials. The…

Electrical Burner Test Machine
Overview Electrical burner test machine is professional designed to determine the flammability, fusion, inert class according to NF P 92-503 electrical burner test. It is for measurement of fire retardancy level and reaction to fire…

Flame Spread Test Machine
Overview Flame spread test machine which is also called as flame propagation test apparatus is designed to determine the reaction to fire of flexible or rigid building materials. The tester is based on the flame…

Hydrostatic Head Tester
Overview Hydrostatic head pressure tester is designed to determine the resistance to water penetration of materials by hydrostatic pressure method. By measuring the opposition to the passage of water through the tested specimen, the tester…

Bundesmann Rain Tester
Overview Bundesmann rain tester which is also called as Bundesmann water repellency tester can provide artificial rainfall to simulate the process of rain under natural environment. The tester is designed to determine the water repellency…

Moisture Management Tester
Overview Moisture management tester is the tool for the measurement, evaluation and classification of liquid moisture management properties of textile fabrics. By testing the changes in electrical resistance of textiles placed between two horizontal electrical…

Air Permeability Tester
Overview Air permeability tester is professional designed to determine the permeability of materials to air. By testing the rate of flow of air passing perpendicularly through a given area of tested sample under a given…

Bean Bag Snag Tester
Overview Bean bag snag tester is to determine the snagging resistance of a fabric. It is suitable for a range of woven and knitted fabrics made from textured or untextured filament yarns or spun yarns…

Carpet Flammability Tester
Carpet flammability tester is designed for assessing the effects of a small source of ignition on floor coverings. The test chamber is manufactured from non-combustible heat resistant board with a counter weighted sliding panel for…

Liquid Strike-through Time Tester
Overview Liquid strike-through time tester is designed to determine the time taken for a known volume of liquid to pass through the specimen as strike-through time (STT). By measuring the strike-through time and repeated strike-through…

Nonwovens Run-Off Tester
Overview Nonwovens runoff tester is designed to determine the fluid handing characteristics of nonwoven materials used for hygienic disposable products, such as baby diapers. Its property is characterized by maximum leakage prevention, skin protection, functionality…

Wet Back Tester
Overview Wet back tester also called rewet tester is designed to determine the rewet properties of nonwoven topsheets or coverstocks of hygienic and sanitary materials. A piece of coverstock is placed over a standard absorbent…